Spread the Good News
+ Include persons on the mailing list who attend other events at the church -- preschool, youth group, aerobics, etc.
+ Lift up people, ministries -- celebrate! Be more than an announcement sheet. Share what good things have happened, along with promoting upcoming events.
+ Avoid church jargon. Explain age groups, purpose of group, ability level needed to participate, etc. If you use acronyms, explain them. List a contact person with phone number.
+ Include persons on the mailing list who attend other events at the church -- preschool, youth group, aerobics, etc.
+ Lift up people, ministries -- celebrate! Be more than an announcement sheet. Share what good things have happened, along with promoting upcoming events.
+ Avoid church jargon. Explain age groups, purpose of group, ability level needed to participate, etc. If you use acronyms, explain them. List a contact person with phone number.
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